Foothill Transit Class Pass: Claremont Colleges

Foothill Class Pass Logo

Foothill Transit is proud to partner with the Claremont Colleges to bring the Class Pass to campus. With the Class Pass, students, staff, and faculty, get free and unlimited rides on Foothill Transit local and Silver Streak buses. Unlock unlimited possibilities with the Class Pass! Learn more at The Claremont Colleges.

Ready to Get Started? Enter your TAP card number and activation code (from your Transact portal) in the fields below. Once you complete these steps and hit the submit button, your TAP card will be ready for use within approximately one hour.

   Locate card number  

  I acknowledge that this Class Pass and TAP card is for my sole use and benefit as a student or employee at one of the Claremont Colleges and is not intended for use or distribution to any person other than myself, the individual to whom the pass was issued.